



The popularity of podcasts is skyrocketing. But many companies struggle to see how podcasts can work for their business.

Drawing on a combination of journalism experience, technical expertise and an understanding of the corporate world, Julie-Anna offers end-to-end consultancy for companies and other organisations looking to launch their own podcast. 

She can help with concept creation, establishing performance metrics, finding guests, scripting, presenting, recording, editing, uploading to a hosting platform, submitting to iTunes, producing accompanying online material (blogs, transcripts and photos) to advice on promoting your podcast on social media. 

She can also help coach potential presenters or help find a suitable presenter. For more complex projects, Julie-Anna can bring in additional production expertise.

If you’re keen to do-it-yourself, Julie-Anna can help you chose the necessary equipment and train relevant staff (providing troubleshooting support where necessary). 

As she operates on her own - working on an ad-hoc basis with other experts when needed - she can often provide a more cost-effective option than larger consultancies. 

And if she is unable to help with your project, she’ll try and point you in the direction of another producer who can help. 





Julie-Anna provides bespoke media coaching for organisations, with sessions tailored according to the individual, sector and the seniority of participants. She is particularly able to help train companies undertaking M&A and is familiar with the mining, metals, oil & gas, energy, aerospace, defence, manufacturing and automotive sectors.

She has worked as a journalist for a wide range of outlets, from BBC Radio 4’s The World At One to Sky News. More recently she has written for the business news publications Dealreporter and Mergermarket. This combination of experience means she can advise on how to prepare for a variety of interviews.





Julie-Anna has experience of chairing major corporate events. She has moderated numerous panel discussions, with line-ups comprising investment bankers, lawyers, fund managers and C-suite executives.

She chaired the Mergermarket Germany Forum in Dusseldorf in 2019 and the Mergermarket Corporate Development Summit in London in 2018, both of which were attended by several hundred delegates.